Unusual strategy (Monday September 29, 2003)

3. říjen 2003

Iristu has been in Southern Kazakhstan for nearly 7 weeks, Altynaj for more than 3 weeks. Except for transfers within an area centred on Kzyl-Orda, there is no real progress. How is it possible? Why are they not proceeding to the wintering grounds? First of all, they may feel fine at Syrdaria. A closer look at the map will reveal a dense network of irrigation channels that undoubtedly provide enough food. Besides, the weather is still quite good - around 20 degrees Celsius throughout the day and 6 t night.

This explanation though may be superficial. The migration paths this year as well as last year suggest that Siberian black storks probably pursue a different strategy than our storks who take a fast route to Africa and spend most of the winter period in one place. But what if Asian black storks do not have stable wintering grounds but keep migrating from place to place as white storks do? It would only be logical then that they stay long in places where they feel comfortable and very slowly proceed to the South. Of course, they could reach the Indian sub-continent, but quite late and would spend a relatively short time there. That would explain the migration pattern of Katerina, Roman and Petr (last year) as well as Iristu and Altynaj (this year), but also why we know much less about wintering grounds of black storks in India than we could and should know. Now it is mere speculation but coming weeks and months will tell more.

autor: Miroslav Bobek
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