Marko is at home (April 17th, 2007)

23. duben 2007

Only on 17th April we received data of usable quality from Argos which confirmed that Marko has reached his nest. We presume that he arrived a couple of days ago. He probably spent the first couple of days on his nest especially during the nights and was therefore sitting in the shadow of a rock near the River Taats where the nest has been built and has been used by many generations. Most probably that is why we almost had no signal on the night between 13th and 14th April. Let's hope that he managed to meet his partner there together with which he had two offspring's and that nesting will start soon. Black storks lay their eggs very early after returning from their wintering grounds.

The valley of the River Taats with Marko's nest. The nest is on the back rock on the right side of the river. The cliff does not look very high from distance but it is almost twenty meters high.
autor: Lubomír Peške
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