
7. listopad 2005

Hi, my name is Kijivu, which is a Swahili name that means "grey". I'm an African lowland gorilla as well as the other gorillas from the Prague Zoo. I was born on 18th March 1993 in Apeldoorn, in the Netherlands, and for many years I lived on the other side of the world in Sydney, with my half sister Shinda.

After that I spent a bit of time in the Prague Zoo but because of the floods I had to move to Dvůr Králové. In the end, though, my sister and I moved back to Prague on 16th October 2003. I have one stable partner, Richard, who occasionally has a "fling" with my sister as well as with Kamba. Apparently that's normal for us gorillas, so I'm not angry with him - we like each other.

I had a hormonal birth control implant until 2001 which functioned like a contraceptive and prevented me from becoming pregnant with my own father. After coming to Prague the experts we able to take the birth control implant out of me and I have to show off a little now - on 13 December 2004 I gave birth to a first baby gorilla born in the Czech Republic. The people at the Prague Zoo named her Moya.

No one knew for a long time if it is a girl or a boy. I knew it for a long time because I am the mother. I only kept it for myself though. All the others only found out after many experiments and tests.

I am also a little more tense than the other gorillas but one cannot notice that in family relationships. I take good care of my beloved Moya and I am a good wife to Richard. I get along well with Shinda and Kamba. Even though sometimes it is difficult. They tend to make me angry especially if they start fighting over my Moya

After the third female Kamba came I was a little afraid and was very cautious. Very soon we settled our differences and like adults we are now best of friends.

I also have some great news for you. Next May I should give birth to my second baby. Everyone is wondering whether it will be a boy or a girl. Let's allow ourselves to be surprised.

You can write to me or leave me a message on my personal electronic e-mail address at:

My first video:

Marek Ždánský says: "As soon as we put them together, Kijivu and Richard began to court and our first baby gorilla was born a year later. Kijivu is a bit high strung, which you can tell when she's frightened. She'll hold both her ears and stop eating. You can identify her easily, because Moja is always nearby." Well, I think I'm fine.

autor: davn
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