Before the journey to Mongolia (Thursday June 17, 2004)

10. únor 2011

In a week from now, we will be in Kluchiki along with Frantisek Pojer. At least that's what I hope... We are going to take off Iristu's "backpack", whose satellite transmitter has got no energy anymore; however we will continue in tracking Altynai with her own solar transmitter. From Ob we'll move to Ulanbatar where we're going to meet other members of our expedition - both Czechs flying across Peking, and Mongols. We would like to mark other two black storks in central Mongolia.

The third year of New Odyssey project begins. The last one turned out very well - we succeeded to track two storks on their way to the wintering grounds in India, at the winter grounds and on their way back as well. We are finishing a booklet these days - not only it describes Iristu's and Altynai's journey (and of course our journey too), but it involves detailed information about African Odyssey and the first year of New Odyssey as well. A limited number of printouts can be sent to the interested people by mail, you are anyway advised to download it from - both Czech and English PDF file (these moments only the first part published a year ago is to be found there).

In the third year of New Odyssey, we are extending the "portfolio" of the main organisers of the project. To our sincere delight, The Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic and then Zoological Garden Dvur Kralove nad Labem joined Czech Radio and Podkrusnohorsky Zoopark Chomutov. As I already wrote, we started cooperation with National University of Mongolia and Mongolian Ornithological Society. Dr. Gombobatar, a new member of our team, is on the field again these days and trying to find storks' nests. His first journey already has some results - see photos.

The Dean of the Biological faculty of the National University of Mongolia, prof. Tsogbadrakh (on the right) and Vice-president of the Mongolian ornithological society, dr Gombobaatar at the signing of the cooperation contract concerning New Odyssey projec

We will send texts and photos - maybe even a few videos - here on these pages.

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