Altynai flew out (Friday 5th September)

26. březen 2012

No doubt this time: Altynai set on her journey yesterday. She spent the yesterday's night near Ob but the satellites monitored her 300 kilometres south-westward near the Russia-Kazakhstan boundary this morning. It seems that Altynai follows the same trace as Iristu (he stays near Syrdarya so far) this year and Petr and Pavel last year. None of them is going to fly over the Roof of the World such as Katerina did last year. This does not mean that there are no surprises for us while tracking the storks. Essential is where are Altynai and Iristu going to spend the winter. Will they stay both or just one of them in Turkmenistan like Roman did last year? Or they'll fly along a big angle to the Indic subcontinent, like Petr tried last year? Or across Africa? Nice and thrilling weeks ahead of us...

autor: Miroslav Bobek
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