Fifteen hundred kilometers away from home (Wednesday, March 31, 2004)

31. březen 2004

Both our storks are in south-eastern Kazakhstan at approximately the same latitude. Altynai is staying slightly westward near Syrdaria, while Iristu more eastern at the border of Moiynkum desert. And while Altynai flew 2400 kilometers from the wintering place and the nesting place is around 1600 kilometers ahead of her, Iristu passed 2600 kilometers now and has to fly "only" 1400 kilometers more. Both storks should, however, be safely home in a week. If they do not stop elsewhere.

And that's probably what's going on now. Altynai flew only 170 kilometers during Monday and Tuesday. She is advancing downstream Syrdaria as if she approached her stop where she spent very long time last Autumn. Neither Iristu is in a hurry - he flew only 280 kilometers in the last two days. Thus, the arrival to the nesting place may be delayed...

autor: Miroslav Bobek
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